Forest Road Work
Each road is a puzzle, our job is to find the missing peaces that complete it.
New Road Construction
When it comes to building new roads for forest management or accessing recreational opportunities, our team goes above and beyond. Our focus is not just on the current standards but also on long-term maintenance and the road's investment service life. With a keen eye on environmental impact, our seasoned road builders collaborate on construction, layouts and hydrologic designs, ensuring that road durability is maximized while minimizing environmental impact.
Road Reconstruction
When an existing forest road lies dormant after years of disuse, it often calls for rejuvenation or reopening through a process known as reconstruction. This essential procedure aims to breathe new life into aging roads, aligning them with contemporary standards of design, safety, and environmental responsibility. The objective is to upgrade their condition to meet the demands of current uses and adhere to stringent standards. Reconstruction is more than just refurbishment; it's a comprehensive revitalization that not only enhances the road's functionality but also ensures its compliance with modern design principles, safety measures, and environmental protection protocols. At our core, we are committed to the responsible stewardship of forest roads and understand their importance to the larger industry functions.
Road Matiance
We believe in the importance of keeping these vital arteries in safe and stable condition to serve their intended purposes. In alignment with Oregon's forest regulations, we adhere to specific maintenance standards tailored to different road uses and scenarios. Forest roads, as the lifelines of our operations, cater to various owner objectives, whether it's supporting public recreation, safeguarding the forest, or facilitating management operations. Each distinct purpose may require a unique set of maintenance activities. During periods of active forest management or recreational use, we intensify our maintenance efforts, ensuring the safety of all users and the preservation of watersheds and road investments. Our dedicated team of forest road maintenance professionals takes pride in delivering a smooth and stable road surface for the benefit of all."
Rock Hauling
Rock hauling, is all about ensuring access to forest roads for equipment, crew and log trucks. We understand the importance of sturdy and reliable road surfaces, which is why we source rock, aggregate, and other essential substrates from nearby forest quarries. Our team doesn't just stop at sourcing; we haul these materials to project sites, where they are installed onto the roadway. Our goal is to deliver top-quality road surfaces that will not wash away or get muddied with the first rain.
A road should work with the terrain, not against it.

The Results: Sturdy forest infrastructure built for use, the environment and the future.
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