Our Story
It spans Generations,
At Schmitz Timber, our family-owned company is built upon a rich heritage of sustainable forestry practices passed down through the years. We believe in thinking beyond the present and embracing a long-term vision for environmental stewardship.
With a deep-rooted love for what we do, we approach every project with unwavering dedication and take immense pride in our work. From meticulously planning each harvest to implementing innovative solutions, we strive to strike a harmonious balance between economic value and preserving our natural resources. As caretakers of the land, we are committed to ensuring a sustainable future, one tree at a time.
“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.”
~Rabindranath Tagore
Johnny Schmitz
Horse Logging
Silver Falls Timber Company
The First Generation,
In the early days of Schmitz Timber, it was Johnny Schmitz who laid the foundation of our family's logging legacy. Faced with challenging times on the farm, Johnny turned to the woods and harnessed the power of his team of horses to venture into the world of logging. With their hooves pounding on the forest floor, he navigated the rugged terrain and hauled timber using early logging trucks. Logging primarily for the Silver Falls Timber Company, Johnny's unwavering determination and resourcefulness paved the way for the growth of our business. His pioneering spirit and deep respect for the forest continue to inspire us as we carry on his legacy.
Norbert Schmitz
Gene & Doug Schmitz
Loading Old Growth
The Second Generation,
As the business entered its second generation, Norbert Schmitz stepped up to the helm and propelled our company's growth to new heights. Building upon the foundation laid by his father Johnny, Norbert embraced the evolving logging industry and introduced mechanization into our operations. With the advent of log loaders, diesel cats, and skidders, our team gained greater efficiency and productivity in harvesting timber. Norbert's vision and leadership were complemented by the invaluable support of his brothers, Gene and Doug, who played integral roles in expanding the business. Together, they embraced the challenges and opportunities of the logging world, further solidifying our position as a trusted name in the industry.
Greg Schmitz
Drone For Flying Yarder Layouts
Thunderbird Yarder
The Third Generation,
As the third generation, Greg Schmitz assumed leadership of Schmitz Timber with a vision for innovation and progress. Greg recognized the immense potential of new technologies in the logging industry and sought to harness their power for the benefit of our operations. Embracing the use of drones alongside our traditional skyline yarders, Greg revolutionized our approach to logging, making it safer, more efficient, and environmentally conscious. By combining the precision and aerial perspectives of drones with the power and versatility of skyline yarders, we have been able to navigate challenging terrain with greater ease and accuracy. Greg's commitment to advancing the industry's practices extended beyond our company as he served on the board of AOL (Associated Oregon Loggers), advocating for sustainable logging practices and shaping the future of the forestry sector